The 5Ritmi were created in the 1970s by the great Gabrielle Roth, founding mother of all the practices of Conscious Dance. The 5 Rhythms are a map for all those who want to go in, out, forward, backward, into the physical, into the emotional, into the intellect. They reconnect us to the wisdom of our bodies, releasing the dynamic and healing power of movement. I am a moving meditation, a medicine, a prayer. In the 5Ritmi you dance a wave made up of 5 different rhymes: flowing, staccato, chaos, lyric and stillness. Just follow these rhythms and our body will take us right where we need to go. The 5Ritmi classes allow you not only to sweat a lot, but to let go, free, heal wounds, to throw out blocked emotions, anxieties, worries, and above all they allow you to silence your mind. By stealing the words of Gabrielle Roth, the fastest way to find the stillness of the mind is through the movement of the body.